Digital Business Trends

Tomorrow Is Today

About us

Marketing lecturer, Consultant, and project evaluator for more than two decades, I have acquired adaptation skills for both a young audience and a professional target.

Digital Marketing

Over the years, the methods practiced in digital marketing have diversified. Today, we talk about brand content, marketing automation, Inbound Marketing, etc.More and more practices have gained independence, while others are emerging. Therefore, it is important to adapt to the existing environment and innovate continuously by anticipating the technological evolutions and the behaviors of the consumers.

Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a philosophy, methodology, and system of tools for creating and promoting a continuous improvement approach within an organization. This involves the different structures as well as the entire staff. As a result, the costs of non-quality are reduced or even eliminated, and compliance with the requirements of internal and external customers is realized....The TQM encompasses the concepts of organization, excellence, efficiency and effectiveness, leadership, and partnership. Finally, the course is beneficial for developing management skills essential to improving agility in an increasingly global business environment.


We are regularly involved in negotiations with superiors, co-workers, potential employers, suppliers, investors, customers, etc. Often, we are not even aware of the context, ...and we are barely or not at all prepared. The approach adopted is designed for a wide variety of issues faced by professionals, managers, and entrepreneurs, and aims to negotiate in a variety of contexts successfully. Being a skilled negotiator is a prerequisite for creating value, especially for leaders.

Business Intelligence

The term Business Intelligence has been around for twenty years. However, new user-centric IT solutions have contributed to its democratization. Business Intelligence (BI) ... is a set of tools and methods for transmitting relevant information to business managers. Its purpose is to help them understand their environment and support them in their strategic decision-making. The needs of the user are, therefore at the heart of a practical Business Intelligence.

Other Research Areas

Smart Quality Management in the era of Industry 4.0

The world of organizations is digitizing. Companies need to think about how to capitalize on digital technologies to improve their process management and grow sustainably in the industrial age. 4.0. Now, manufacturers must recognize that the future of quality in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution lies in the intersection of actors, processes, and technology: cyber-physical systems will communicate with each other through the Internet of Things. Data is the "black gold" of the future, this forces... companies to be "lean" in the valuation and securing of this strategic "asset". In the digital age, agility has become a crucial factor. It is now necessary to consider a strategy of selection and/or retention of skills based on the technologies of the third platform: Big Data / Smart Data, Cloud Computing, simulation tools and "digital twin" designate systems that make it possible to sort information and make performance indicators available in real-time. This "platforming" requires a systemic model of homeostatic regulation, collaboration and self-adaptation within the organic organization. This paradigm shift requires a new managerial model of quality 4.0 and the associated instrumentation.

What are the applications and benefits of blockchain in the supply chain?

“The blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions, but virtually everything of value.” – Don & Alex Tapscott, authors Blockchain Revolution (2016). The applications of the blockchain in the supply chain can be summarized as traceability, fight against fraud and counterfeiting, and the verification process. Some supply chains suffer from opacity and a lack of transparency in their processes. The number of players and transactions involved is considerable,... thus slowing the process and increasing the risk of loss or error. Internationally, documents linked to exchanges as well as financial payments during deliveries could speed up sometimes lengthy verification processes and allow instant validation between the financial organizations of the different actors gathered around the same distributed system. Blockchain digitization of maritime transport could reduce the cost of this transport by 20% (Blockchain Partner). Many sectors are concerned: the pharmaceutical industry, heavy industries, luxury, etc. Also, a blockchain registry distributed among its actors makes it possible to identify the source of the loss, theft or fraud thus ensuring better overall control. Besides, the different partners often have different versions of the purchase, sales or payment documents. The blockchain makes it possible to homogenize information and documents, thus avoiding a waste of time. Each party involved in the exchange, therefore, has the same data.

Data Analytics, an Allied of Digital Marketing.

According to IBM, 90% of global data has been created in the last two years. And when we consider that 88% of this available data is not analyzed, the possibilities seem limitless. This data comes from a wide variety of sources: Social media messages, digital images and videos published online. The challenge for companies is to analyze this mass of data with relevance to transform them into intelligent data,... thus offering better customer knowledge to propose new personalized experiences. In this context, analytical and predictive approaches will be needed. Indeed, Data Analytics is today at the heart of business strategies and concerns. Its good exploitation allows an entity to progress, often considerable, and remain otherwise competitive. Combining it directly with marketing and its digital strategies is therefore relevant.

Human Resources Marketing

" The Innovation is an alliance between research, marketing, instinct, imagination, product, and industrial courage" Antoine Riboud, the founder, and the president of Danone. Moreover, according to an annual survey conducted by Manpower Group, 38% of companies worldwide are affected by the shortage of talent.... Combining marketing and human resources may seem incongruous. But it is in this state of mind that human resources managers will have to learn to use marketing techniques to attract highly qualified employees (to seduce them), to integrate them (to welcome them) and to encourage them to stay in the company (the loyalty).


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Our courses

Rank The course Size Action
1 Syllabus TQM.pdf 150Ko telecharger
2 Exercices chapitres 1 et 2.pdf 112Ko telecharger
3 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT 2020 1 358Ko telecharger
4 Suggestion en matière de questions à poser lors de l - Copie 131 Ko telecharger
5 ExerQualChap3 120 Ko telecharger
6 Le stade intelligent (Réparé) - Copie (2) - Copie 940 Ko telecharger
7 EXAMTQM2018.pdf 249.0Ko telecharger
8 CORRIGE TQM 2018.pdf 249.0Ko telecharger
9 EXAMQUAL2019.pdff 394.0Ko telecharger
10 CORQUAL2019.pdf 168.0Ko telecharger
11 Syllabus Négociation.pdf 240.0Ko telecharger
12 negoc - Copie.pdf 4240.0Ko telecharger
14 STRNEGEX.pdf 35.0Ko telecharger
15 Axe 1. RESCOM.pdf 535.0Ko telecharger
16 AXE 2. Leader.pdf 270.0Ko telecharger
17 AXE 3.Gestion de la carrière.pdf 213.0Ko telecharger
18 AXE 4.pdf 128.0Ko telecharger
19 Home work Axe 1.pdf 117.0Ko telecharger
20 Home Work Axe 2.pdf 9.0Ko telecharger
21 Home Work Axe 3. SWOT Personnel.pdf 79.0Ko telecharger
22 Projet Equipe.pdf 120.0Ko telecharger
23 Axe 5. Promouvoir sa présence en ligne.pdf 95.0Ko telecharger
24 Axe 6. Les éléments clés d.pdf 184.0Ko telecharger
25 Axe 7.Email Marketing 184.0Ko telecharger
26 EXAMEN TQM 2021.pdf 494.0Ko telecharger
27 EXAMCOR20.pdf 219.0Ko telecharger
28 Leanexercices.pdf 842.0Ko telecharger
29 EHECMANAGEMENT DE PROJET.pdf 842.0Ko telecharger
30 Charte du projet-converti.pdf 1 625.0Ko telecharger
31 Fiche d'expression de besoin.pdf 515.0Ko telecharger
32 Etude d'opportunité.pdf 526.0Ko telecharger
33 Notedecadrage.pdf 555.0Ko telecharger
34 Un exemple de charte de projet-converti.pdf 123.0Ko telecharger
35 Exercices Line et Price.pdf 329.0Ko telecharger
36 CORBATNA.pdf 163.0Ko telecharger
37 Corrigé NEGOC 18 (2).pdf 464.0Ko telecharger
38 CORNEG2017 (2).pdf 204.0Ko telecharger
39 CORNEG19 (1).pdf 195.0Ko telecharger
40 ExamNEG19 (3).pdf 180.0Ko telecharger
41 EXAMNEGOCE2017 (1).pdf 140.0Ko telecharger
42 EXANEGOC18 (2).pdf 360.0Ko telecharger
43 Project Plan.pdf 1532.0Ko telecharger
44 deskresearch.pdf 9.96Mb telecharger
45 Les différents types de recherche scientifique.pdf 2.64Mb telecharger
46 AIQuantresearch.pdf 3.33Mb telecharger
47 ChatGPT.pdf 14.7Mb telecharger
48 Chapter1ECOMM.pdf 2800KB telecharger
49 Chapter2ECOMM.pdf 2251KB telecharger
50 Introduction to Shopify.pdf 1,151KB telecharger
51 The-E-commerce-SEO-Definition-Components-and-Tools.pdf 2,027KB telecharger
52 Product description.pdf 268KB telecharger
53 ethiquescientifique.pdf 2,153Kb telecharger
54 1.Definitions-des-ecrits-scientifiques.pdf 498Kb telecharger
55 2.Etapes-pour-rediger-un-ecrit-scientifique (1).pdf 361Kb telecharger
56 3.elaboration-dune-problematique-de-recherche-pour-un-ecrit-scientifique.pdf 382Kb telecharger
57 4.La-redaction-dune-these-methodes-et-conseils.pdf 443Kb telecharger
58 5.Ecrireet publierunarticle (2).pdf 119Kb telecharger
59 6.ecritureacadémique (3).pdf 172Kb telecharger
60 Quelle-est-la-meilleure-facon-de-citer-les-sources-et-les-citations-dans-une-redaction-scientifique.pdf 224Kb telecharger
61 Digitalcommunication-en.pdf 711Kb telecharger
62 Introduction to Shopify.pdf 1.164Kb telecharger
63 Marketing Strategy for a new e-commerce Website.pdf 2.256Kb telecharger
64 What are the main components of a blog.pdf 1.008Kb telecharger
65 MarketingAnalytics 2.500Kb telecharger
66 FRENCHMarketingAnalytics-fr 2.700Kb telecharger